Sunday, June 20, 2010

Your Subliminal Messages Don't Work Here

Obvious product placement-slash-product plugging in reality t.v. shows is a pet peeve of mine. (One of many. MANY. Seriously, I have so many pet peeves I should do a "Pet Peeve Post per Week." And obviously, alliteration is not a pet peeve of mine.)

Back to what started this post - the irritating use of product placement in reality t.v. shows, specifically those involving competition of some kind. (Which makes me wonder, now that I think of it, why there isn't product placement/plugging in The Real Housewives of....any city. There's more brutal competition between those women than there is between bulls in Pamplona and the idiots running from them. Although, and I'm guessing here since I can't stomach an episode, there's inadvertent product placement with the shoes and the clothes and the cars and the restaurants and the cosmetic surgeons....)

It's that most obvious of camera scans and close-ups on whatever product is sponsoring said show that makes me roll my eyes until I can see what my pretty little brain looks like. They do it in such a non-subtle way, but still with the impression that they think they're being subtle, which only ends up seeming condescending. As if us viewers are just dumb suckers who won't notice you holding the bright yellow box of Glad (trademark) garbage bags up by your face a la Price is Right, while you give the chefs their next challenge, Padma Lakshmi.

And I will not be made to look like a sucker. (All credit goes to Dad on that life lesson.)

So go ahead, reality t.v. competition shows. Keep placing your products and plugging your sponsors. But next time you pause the camera for 34 seconds on the Harry Winston ring box when the Bachelor* is proposing, I, and any other non-sucker, will not be buying what you're selling. (Mostly because I really, really don't want to have to buy my own engagement ring.)

*Aw, jeez, Michelle. I just outed myself with that whole "I watch The Bachelor" thing, didn't I?Current score is, Ridiculous & Shameful Show: 1. Sucker (me): 0. (I owe my dad an apology.)

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