Thursday, June 10, 2010

That's for Damn Sure

Regarding our blog, I thought I'd pass on the challenge that Dawn e-mailed me yesterday.

"Let's get famous. We can handle it."

(One of us, though, has already experienced a life of fame. No one's bidding on my wrestling action figures on e-bay....or, can find herself all over YouTube....or, can claim to have been on about 12 episodes of Family Feud. In character (oh, Lady Godiva). Using the British accent. Competing against male wrestlers. The Phil Donahue show, however.....No. That didn't happen to me either.)


  1. Misha- I think you can handle it, too.
    I believe in you. and also- I'm stocking up on "Misha the Diabetic" dolls to sell in 20 years. What 401k? ;)

  2. Nothing says love and humor like deep fried nuts of dough! Great title. I love your writing already. This blog is almost better than being in the office!
