Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let's do a Little Reminiscing...

So, there's this Justin Bieber (am I spelling that right? Wait. I remembered I don't care.) kid who has managed to BURST onto the scene and explode all over everyone, whether we like it or not....similar to what his pubescent boy zits probably do when he gets his mandatory pre-show facials. (Where he also gets his pretty hair literally swept into place. With a very pint sized broom.) This kid is like the Dalai Lama: loved and adored because we're not allowed to NOT love and adore him, and we're also scared to hurt his feelings. (They both just seem so fragile.)

But may I remind us of a time, not too long ago, when there was another phenomenon that wriggled their way into our hearts, minds and wardrobe choices. Yes, Kriss Kross was yet another unexplainable fame magnet. Beyond our better judgement, we loved that little 14 year old duo, making us jump around all crazy-like, wearing our overalls the wrong way. And we lapped that up like pack of alley cats suckling at mama alley cat.

I just thought I'd do us all a service and help us, as the pop culture junkie of a society that we are, to bring us down from our Bieber high and get us through rehab so we never take another hit and trick ourselves into thinking, "you know what? That little guy's got talent. I see him going really far in his career. And no! It has nothing to do with him making a bargain with the devil, otherwise known as Usher."

We'll get through this and past this. Together. We'd better. Because this nonsense is just wiggity wiggity wack.

(Dawn, am I right here? Tell me this isn't like Invasion of the Body Snatchers where I find out you're one of them and I have to run from our friendship screaming, "NO!!! Not you TOO!!!" Although, our friendship has survived Lady Gaga's interference, sooo....I think we're good.)

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...Little Bieber...It seems like just yesterday, I was in 5th Grade, listening to the pre-pubescent song stylings of another "girl-shrieky" pop star. The famous and infamous Michael. Jackson. Generation after generation we buy in...David Cassidy, Leif Garrett, Andy Gibb. ANDY WAS MY BIEBER!!! Sigh. We can't help it. How I long for the days when I looked forward to the latest issue of Teen Beat magazine to see if I might be Shaun Cassidy's SECRET CRUSH!! Ok, all of you under 40, I know your eyes are glazing over. I've lost you. For you I present Hansen, The Backstreet Boys, NKOTB, and NSync. My point is, no matter when you were 12, some cute not-quite-rock-star-baby made your heart beat faster. I will not begrudge Beiber for being "dreamy" to his generation. Talent-schmalent. Yes, I think he's dorky. My mom probably thought Donny Osmond was dorky too. She would be w.r.o.n.g. So, in the spirit of the young beating heart of my inner 12 year old....I love you Justin!!!!! *screeeeaaaamm!!!!*
    just Dawn
