Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dreams, Dates & Dawn - A Love Letter to Alliteration

My wish has come true - Dawn started a blog. And it didn't even require too much persuading, pleading, crying, bribing, (falsely) admitting that Lady Gaga is a true musical artist, or letting Dawn yell at me, "Dance, monkey! Dance!" Which I would have done. Gladly.

The only catch in seeing my dream come to fruition is that I write the blog with Dawn. So, because I believed with all my soul that the world (or, our immediate circle of people we know) MUST have the chance to know the clever, witty, brilliantly sarcastic, Queen of quick (and usually mocking) one liners, amazing, interesting, hilarious, lovely, super fun, loyal, grace-filled, authentic, unique, rare person that is Dawn Maestas. (Did you read her post?! Come on! After that, I have to prove that I'm "the writer", as Dawn claims? And she "just draws stuff?" Now I feel like I can't write OR draw stuff.)

And now, let me explain why our first post is called Me n Misch. During one conversation with Dawn, she told me, "Michelle, you'd probably date a lot more if your name was something exotic like Mischa." And since that moment, I've been Mischa to Dawn. (Poor thing probably doesn't know that her theory hasn't worked worth a puddle of piss because NO ONE CALLS ME MISCHA EXCEPT DAWN. And I have yet to go out on a date with Dawn, sooo...theory fail.)

So, yes. Here is our blog. Most likely you'll be seeing clever and well written posts, laced with sarcasm from Dawn....and one line posts from me taken right off of my Facebook status updates. Or, unnecessarily long posts like this one, for example. Because I'm wordy. Very, very wordy.

Thank you for making my dreams come true, Dawn. Now that all (three. Hi, Mom.) of our readers see me writing this blog along with you, I feel like a much cooler person knowing people will know me as your friend. Next post from me? Lighter, less "ode to Dawn", and actually about pop culture of some kind. Such as, "Why our culture is obsessed with Lady Gaga." I have thoughts on this. Dawn knows my feeling: You can't spell Lady Gaga without "gag."


  1. "You can't spell Gaga without GAG" is probably one of the best things I've heard in a long time! I love you guys - you're hilarious and I can't wait to read more!!!

  2. I know you don't mean that!!! Because you can't spell Allie without LIE!!! You love Gaga..... (just Dawn)

  3. Thank you, Allie. It came to me one time in a burst of brilliance. Or, more like a fit of mocking during a Lady Gaga verbal shoot-out. (I'd like to think I won.) Love, just Michelle

  4. Haha...Dawn that was amazing.

    Michelle...third paragraph? Brilliant.
