Monday, June 28, 2010

The Happiest Place on Earth! definitely NOT Disneyland. (Sticky kids, long lines, desparate parents) It is the DOG BEACH in Huntington Beach! Before you roll your eyes in "Dog Blog" boredom, hear me out. Mostly, the dogs are all happy, doing what dogs do...the herders are herding, the retreivers are retreiving, the water dogs are in the water, and everyone is sniffing each others' butts. Well, the dogs are anyway. When allowed to be off the leash and in a natural environment, they even form packs, and play until they are exhausted.

So naturally, when Rick asked me if I wanted to forgo Stater Brothers on a beautiful Sunday afternoon to go to Dog Beach I said YES! I do love the freak show that is my neighborhood StaBros (WHERE do these people live?) however, sandy snouts, happy, wagging tails, and every dog breed imaginable in one place trumps the narrow aisles, overpriced produce, and rude cart-pushers at Staters. (Did you just meet me, or something? Of course you know this.)

At the beach
Rex: "throw the squirrel*, Mommy!! throw it throw it throw it! Ooohh! I'll get it!!!! THROW IT AGAIN...THROW. IT. AGAAAIIINNN!!!" This is pretty much his inner dialogue for the duration. Nothing else really matters to him.

Ruby: (with crazy yellow dialated pupil eyes) "ball. ball. ball. ball. ball. infinity....

Me: Dogs EVERYWHERE!!!! Happeeeeeee!!!

Rick: "Im going to go sit on the towell and enjoy this beautiful day, sweetie. Oh, hi big doggy, you're a good boy."

Big Fat Old Yellow Lab: Hi mister. You're nice. (lifting leg) peeeeeeee.....

Rick: #%!!@#**

Me: (hysterical, can't speak.)

Well,it was the Happiest Place on Earth to three-fourths of us. Still beats Stater Brothers.

*Squirrel=Flying Squirrel dog toy, frisbee-like, neon orange, most beloved of all Rex's possessions.
**Huge bonus points to Rick for being a TOTALLY good sport about being peed on by a lumbering, geriatric, pookie-bear, of a dog.

1 comment:

  1. Freaking hilarious!! Seriously though about the stater bros... it's pretty crazy there... my brother mikey used to work there (and we know what those types are like) -Lynnea
