Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 10 Reasons Insomnia is Awesome

1. Getting lost song lyrics stuck in your head. Tonight's offering: Ooh la la do wah diddy, girl I got the key to the city. Ooh la la do wah diddy, can we go somewhere an get busyyy?
2. Crazy thoughts. What if Ruby had pink gossamer wings and a tiara?
3. Doubt and fear. I should update my resume in case I get fired, and I should probably spend some time checking symptoms on Web MD.
4. Facebook stalking. I'm looking at you, kid I knew in 5th grade.
5. I should eat something.
6. Listening for weird noises.
7. Wishing for shooting stars.
8. Brilliant business ideas that I should write down. Tonight: Dog Ice Cream Food Truck.
9. Stressing. Tonight: money, health, kids, dog, weird mole, relationships, friends, family, responsibilities, future, past, aging, hair, sleeping, early onset Alzheimer's, weight, global warming, and endangered species.
10. Candy Crush level 327. Ugh.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Truth in Advertising

You Guys...loyal readers, aka mine and Michelle's moms....I am crying out, no...DEMANDING a little truth in advertising. Not for any altruistic reason, oh no, but for know me.

Jack in the Box. I respect you. You are true to your brand. Am I revolted by you? Am I incensed by your portrayal of young, beautiful women? Does your food SUCK? All yes. And a big HOWEVER know your audience...18-28 year old horny stoner guys. I feel you, JITB. I do. You know your brand. I am not your market. I am not your customer, so I get why your commercials do not feature low carb options, dark, leafy greens, and David Beckham.
Here's what I'd like: MORE companies like JITB. Be honest, please. My list, and Madison Avenue, call me, Dahlings....

Visene. Can we PLEASE market Visene to stoners? Helloooo, Viseneeeee...yeah, like you never thought of it. Scenario: Cop pulls over carload of pot smoking surfers, with bags of Del Taco. (Tie-in, anyone!??) Officer: "Gentlemen, Have you been drinking, or anything? " Dudes: "No way, bro, look at our EYES." Officer: "Good golly, friends, your eyes are bright and clear! You are free to go!"
*Visene flies off of shelves*
You're welcome, Visene.

First Response Pregnancy Test. FRPT, until I see a commercial with two people high fiving, and doing a celebratory shot over a negative result, I will NEVER believe in you.

Feminine products. Until you do a tie in with tequila and M&Ms, I do not believe your claims. We are NOT frolicking in white pants on the back of a horse. We are NOT swimming with a big confident smile on our face. We are NOT hiking and doing taekwondo. We are pissed. We are angry. Our uteruses are being evil minions of satan, spewing blood and evil at the prospect of NOT being pregnant. (Jeez, we can't win!)  STOP smiling on your commercials, being excited about "Wings". STOP printing "encouraging messages" on MAXI PADS. "Have a happy period" just pisses me off.  I'd loved to have been in on that marketing meeting... HAVEAHAPPYPERIOD????  Are you KIDDING???

Here area few more in brief, and I'd love to hear yours:

Laundry commercials showing a happy soccer mom gleefully washing gross soccer laundry.
Kids ecstatic over shitty cereal.
Olive Garden...presenting awful food as good. (Also insert: Red Lobster,  Chilis, TGI Fridays, and Sizzler. Serving middle America since 19-o-gross.
Mini vans. Oh man, how hard must it be to make mini vans look appealing? Truth in advertising/mini vans: Have you just given up? Did you USED to be cool, but now have SO MANY KIDS that cool is impossible? Yeah, we already knew, because...minivan. #sorrybro

Add yours here....
And thanks readers (moms)

Just Dawn

Monday, January 27, 2014


Be warned...if you read this blog at all, you know that I have unpredictable taste in music. Nevermind the previous statement, what was I thinking?.... The only person who reads this is my mom and she doesn't know anything about music post Elvis.
That to be said, here is my opinionated opinion about the 2014 Grammy Awards. I have provided hashtags so that you may tweet these musings at your leisure. You're welcome.

Beyonce. doesn't anyone wear pants in pop music anymore? I mean girl, you know I love you, and you rock lingerie like no other, but pants. PS. Your hair #pantsplease 

I love you LL Cool J!!! Same hat though bro? #mamasaidknockyouout

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. I love a Cinderella story! I also LOVE giant houndstooth skinny suits and green velour. So MUCH!! #iwearyourgrandadsclothes

Kudos to Lourde to being the anti-Taylor Swift. She looked supes uncomfortable though. #gothdiva #tigersonagoldleash #queenbee

The Grammys are older than me. Yay. You look great FOR YOUR AGE, Grammys. #worstcomplimentever #ihaveissues


Anna Faris (presenter) #datDRESS (If you missed it, Google it ladies!!! Swoon!!)

Katy. Oooh, I love dark Katy, but the Cirque du Soleil dancers were distracting. Do NOT take my eyes away from my pop princess for one second please. #girlcrush

Is Robin Thicke playing with Chicago to bring some class back to his act post Miley? And by class, do we trot out some old arena rock dinosaurs? Ok no, that wasn't fair...Chicago's horn section is amazing. But really. #chicagosauraus #chiteritops #JKchicagothebeatlesarewayold

Hey...John Legend has on a shirt. And apparently, pants. AND he's playing an instrument. do you hear me, Bey? And Pink? #backtobasics #clothesarebasic

Pat Smear! You just won a freaking Grammy award! STOP chomping on your gum like a camel! Ugh. #gross #dudeyoureontv

Rick, please stop talking to me while TSwift is on. (She also wore clothes tonight.) #imnotreallyateenager #singinghersongsinmyhairbrush

Dawn fact: I am a huge sucker for Pink's Just Give Me a Reason. #crylikeagirl

"Anme thlah huneew aghh" ~ Ozzy Osbourne #WTH? #blacksabbath13

Hey Grammys, you're honoring the Beatles NOW? The last 50 years, no, but NOW? Never thought of it? Huh. That seems like a miss, big deal music awards show. Who's next year, The Everly Brothers? Somebody get Ringo his Metamucil. Jeez. You look good though Ringo FOR YOUR AGE. #JPGR4ever

Thankfully Kendrick Lamar and Imagine Dragons brought the energy back to the room. Woah!! Dawn fact #2: This was my personal highlight of the evening even though I adore Daft Punk and stayed up past 10:00 to see them. #vegas #compton #istayeduplate

Oh wow. This country girl. Kasey Musgraves. While I know ZERO ZERO ZERO about country music, I do know star quality when I see it and when you combine that with kitsch and neon cacti and LIGHT UP BOOTS, you maam, have won over a new fan. #makelotsofnoise #kisslotsofboys

Catchy, Sir Paul. I'm just having some trouble getting on the geriatric rock's me, not you. Obvi. #soundslikewings #JPGR4ever

Thanks CBS for the obligatory shot of Yoko dancing to Paul's song...we all know she ruined the Beatles. We haven't forgotten. #JPGR4life

Pharrell. Congratulations on being brilliant. Please lose the Jed Clampett hat. Otherwise, I just bask in your awesomeness.

Stevie Wonder with Daft Punk, Pharrell, and Nile Rodgers!! I am WAY too happy about this!! I adore the sort of late 70s early 80s new wavey vibe to this song that no matter what you do, you cannot remove it from your head once it gets stuck. Well done gentlemen and robots!!! #getlucky #robots #france

I didn't stay up to see Billie Joe Armstrong rock the stage as well as his guyliner, but I will confidently report that he was amazeballs.

If you agree or disagree with me I'd love to start a courteous music dialogue.
Happy Grammys people!!!

just Dawn