Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Me n Misch

Ok, this is our Maiden post. The purpose of this blog (everything Must. Have. Purpose...) is simply our occasionally brilliant, often witty, take on all things pop culture, relationships, life. We promise to be: 1. Pretty 2. Smart. Just not necessarily in that order or at the same time.

About us
We are diametric opposites from 2 different worlds who have managed to come together in sisterhood and sarcasm, due to the grace we extend each other, mutual respect and admiration, and, frankly, that we love dogs and each other. (GOOD people love dogs. And us.)

Middle-aged, married, mom of 1 mean-ager. Ex professional wrestler, artist, science teacher, bartender. I KNOW, huh?! I am a 3rd degree blackbelt and I love my husband, who is crazy. More about him later. Son, 18, John. Labradors, Rex 9, Ruby 4. MUCH more about them later.

She will tell you. She is much more erudite than I. (This is me, setting the bar high for her vocabulary. You see, she is the writer. I can draw stuff.)

Culture, American-Style
This is America people. USA. This is not Europe. Africa. Egypt. I am a child of a cultureless culture. We have cheese-flavored dog food. We have Barbie. We have (had) Heavy Metal. We. have. Kardashians!!! We revere instant gratification, celebrities, and gluttony!!! Don't get me wrong....I'm not hatin'....Do I sometimes wish we were artistically cultured? That we valued our history? Our old people? That we contributed to the woven tapestry of ancient civilizations?...ok, sometimes, but not really. I was raised in Las Vegas. If we want a pyramid, we build one. We're Americans!! My favorite pop culture icons: Elvis, Hair Bands, Pop Tarts, Mork and Mindy, Snoopy, Pro Wrestling Fans (yes, sorry), Diet Coke, Lady Gaga (heehee...that one will PISS Mischa off!!) All things Kennedy, and a certain Megachurch Pastor whom I adore. This is the kind of stuff on which we will comment. We welcome your comments, opinions, and rebuttals...

1 comment:

  1. By the way, I had to look up "erudite" after reading Dawn's post. So yes, she set the bar apparently too high for me.
