Thursday, May 1, 2014

Top 10 Reasons Insomnia is Awesome

1. Getting lost song lyrics stuck in your head. Tonight's offering: Ooh la la do wah diddy, girl I got the key to the city. Ooh la la do wah diddy, can we go somewhere an get busyyy?
2. Crazy thoughts. What if Ruby had pink gossamer wings and a tiara?
3. Doubt and fear. I should update my resume in case I get fired, and I should probably spend some time checking symptoms on Web MD.
4. Facebook stalking. I'm looking at you, kid I knew in 5th grade.
5. I should eat something.
6. Listening for weird noises.
7. Wishing for shooting stars.
8. Brilliant business ideas that I should write down. Tonight: Dog Ice Cream Food Truck.
9. Stressing. Tonight: money, health, kids, dog, weird mole, relationships, friends, family, responsibilities, future, past, aging, hair, sleeping, early onset Alzheimer's, weight, global warming, and endangered species.
10. Candy Crush level 327. Ugh.