Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Because I Want to see my Nieces and Nephews More than I Want to Write for our Blog...

*Side note (yes, at the beginning of a post. So, not really an official side note.): This is how easily distracted I [Michelle] am: I'm overhearing a conversation in which the whole thing is being spoken in spanish, so, no, I don't understand it (thanks, 5 years of spanish class. What was the point?), and yet, I CANNOT block out the conversation and focus on anything else. Weird. And aggravating. That's it on that topic.*

Okay, kiddies. I'm (Michelle) informing you all that you won't be hearing from me for a few days. I'll be in OR. basking in the goodness that is Oregon weather and Oregon politics. Not really. Instead, I think I'll bask in the wonder of my nieces and nephews and their humor, and in the joy of spending time with my family. That sounds much better. I'll be there to celebrate my niece Tori Minyi's 2nd birthday, but first birthday with her new family. (A post for later: I'll tell you the story of my brother and sister-in-law adopting this truly amazing, smart, beautiful, funny little person from China. She took my heart and got her little tiny grip on it the minute I saw her. And I'm certainly okay with that.)

Anyway, it's a pretty big deal for our family, so I wanted to be a part of it. Don't worry - I'll come back with stories to blog about. In the meantime.... Dawn? You wanna pick it up from here? I won't even bring up how many subjects/jokes of yours/witty comments you've said that I've suggested you turn into a blog post. (Monkey piss being one. Please explain that one to the good people.)

See you in a few days....

1 comment:

  1. Estoy exitado para leer sobre sus viajes. Usted siempre tiene el más divertidos cuentos acerca de sus sobrinas y sobrinos.
