Monday, January 31, 2011

My Defense Mechanism: Sarcastic Cynicism (Of Which I have a Heavy Artillery)

Up to this point, I've (Michelle) refrained from writing a post focused on my status as "single." Or, to be more specific (and damning), "Single Christian female." Even though there is a storehouse of sad comedy I could write about regarding singleness & dating while surrounded by non-singles (I work at a church. Enough said.), I prefer to be jaded and cynical in person and with the added benefit of an audible and hyper-sarcastic intonation.

But, I read something today from one of my favorite bloggers (and funny people), Jon Acuff. It's a post from his blog, Stuff Christians Like. For those of you not fortunate enough to have heard of him or read his blog, first, I'm sorry for you. Second, allow me to introduce you! He writes about all those Christian cliches and things the Church is known a funny & clever way that emphasizes his love for the Church and people who try to love and follow Jesus, but sometimes we don't....quite...get it right. In other words, sometimes it's just healthy to laugh at ourselves. Do with that what you will.

Anyway, I'm including the link to his post because it's well worth a read. Plus, he says it a lot funnier than I can.

I have to say that while reading his post, I was laughing so much that I had what I thought were tears of laughter in the corners of my eyes. Then, I realized that I had experienced (on more than one occasion) about 39 of the 40 "single moments" on his list. Which then led me to realize that, no, Michelle, you aren't laughing so hard that you're crying. I'm pretty sure you're just crying.

I'm hoping that Jon Acuff's post goes viral so that it can be used as an informational tool in order to help people filter through the sieve in their brains the things they're tempted to say to singles. Sure, I can acknowledge that most of it is with lovely and good intentions, and I realize there's no clear cut answer as to how to handle us delicate little singles, but since my momma raised me right and I know better than to do one of those bourgeois slaps to the face with my white glove, I thought I'd take to the page, so to speak.

So, with the help of Jon Acuff's list of "How to Survive Church as a Single", I'm able to kill two birds (and they're probably a couple of damn turtledoves) with one stone, by passing on some good tips, while doing a little juvenile venting. For my own sake. Thank you very much.

And now, next on my to-do list, I'm going to go "stop looking for love" because "that's when I'll find it." Then, I think I'll buy a lottery ticket because with that logic, I'm SURE to win some cold hard cash! I always come into the most money when I refuse to do anything to actually attain it.

Just Michelle


  1. Thought Jon's post was amusing, but it's been so long since I dated. I can't really relate. How about the concept of a singles section....awkward much? Hahaha! Anyway, guilty as charged of many of the married-people-advising-single-people offenses. Like we are SO successful,fulfilled, and perfect with our amazing role of SPOUSE! It's all I can do to not murder my husband at least once a month (and I'm sure I'm lucky to still be alive too!) Most of us wouldn't go so far as to actually give up that flawed person we exchanged vows with, but we sure do love to live vicariously through our fun, exciting single friends who don't have to do anyone else's laundry but their own. Ah! The life! For those of you who think "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence" just remember, married or single, the grass is greener where you water it.

    Just Dawn

  2. Yep, I'm pretty happy with my healthy expanse of a lawn, ripe with wild, untamed grasses that defy the idea of a lawn mower conforming me into a rigid and well maintained bed of crab grass. I just like pointing out the little irritations of singles vs. marrieds, sometimes.

    Love, your wild and free field of beach grass.
