Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010, It's Been Nice Knowin' Ya

I had trouble deciding what to name this post. I considered, "2010, The Year That Totally Sucked". Too negative. It couldn't have TOTALLY sucked. I just don't look at life like that. How about, "What The Hell did I do To Deserve December, 2010?" No, too martyr-like. How about, "2010, Great Stuff, and Shity Stuff." No, too crude. So I settled on vague and insincere. You know, like when you write in someone's yearbook, "Have a nice Summer" or "Good luck in the future."

So here are the top 10 reasons why 2010 is invited to not let the door hit him in the ass on the way out:

10. It's been monsooning to the point of depression. I'm sure the suicide rate in the rainy states is huge. I get it.
9. BP oil spill. So bad on so many levels. Pollution, animal illness and death, lawsuits, "I-told-you-so attitude from tree hugging left.
8. The world lost J.D. Sallinger, Ronnie James Dio, and the dad from Happy Days. I lost my beautiful friend, Mavis Delgado, and my innocent nephew Caelan Rice. The world is less beautiful without them in it. I'm sure family and friends of J.D., Ronnie, and Tom would agree with me.
7. Economy, economy, economy.
6. Kei$ha, Justin Bieber, Real Housewives of Anywhere, and Cee Lo Green, whose Grammy nominated song F*** You is certainly a new low in popular music. (Yes, Misch and haters, Lady Gaga is intentionally omitted here, due to the fact that she's brilliant.)
5. Larry King retired. HAHAHA! Just kidding! Larry King's ratings have tanked worse than Barak Obama's approval rating. No one cares if you "retire" Larry. Except for possibly your latest gold digging spouse who could not possibly be happy with the prospect of more "quality time" with your old ass.
4. Unemployment, poverty, homelessness in places where we haven't seen it before. There but for the grace of God, go I.
3. California Election 2010: Same old same old. It's embarassing to be a voter in this state. Sigh.
2. Still with us: Rev. Jesse Jackson, Michael Vick, Charles Manson (Probation? REALLY, Charles?), Kanye, Lindsey Lohan, Osama Bin Laden, my mean next door neighbor, Axl Rose (Sweetie, what HAPPENED to you? See also: Brett Michaels, Ozzy Osbourne, Keith Richards.)
1. The rise of those Jersey Shore morons. Please, people, please stop making these white trash goombahs rich.

With this list of suck, I present to you the Top 10 Cool Things About 2010:

10. AIDS/HIV rates in the hardest hit countries are dropping. Sex Trafficking awareness in this country is rising. Environment is repairing itself from the damage of aforementioned spill.
9. Many awesome friends welcomed their first children to the world: Love=Annalise, Shepard, Cash, Karis, Boston. All things made new....
8. My son graduated from High School. Milestone.
7. I adore my job, my pastor, the people I work with, the people I work for. Worth more than money!
6. The Black Keys, Green Day (still TOTALLY relevant), Kings of Leon, Free Energy, and the Judas Priest Reunion Tour.
5. I have heard God's voice, loud and clear, and so did 5 other people in the room with me. Two words: Sierra Leone. (If you don't know this story, ask me. It's amazing.)
4. With great economic hardship comes great opportunity for love and generosity. 2010 has been a year of inspirational stories.
3. Rex and Ruby's goofy antics.
2. Still with us: Paul McCartney (Beatles on iTunes! Woo!), Betty White, Steven Tyler (ok, I know, the American Idol's sure to be bad, but I LOVE him!), Slash, Bon Jovi, Mickey Rourke, Sesame Street, and pro wrestling! (HAD to!)
1. It's over. The decade has closed with health, love, friends, my awesome husband, growing up boys/young men, and God's and revived each day. Welcome 2011. We will get along just fine.

At the risk of ending on a negative, Yeah, you BETTER leave 2010....I will shank you.

Battered, but not broken,
just Dawn


  1. The new year is already starting off better with the addition of this blog post, Dawn. There is so much I love about this post (namely, numbers 6, 2 and 1 from the "I hate 2010 list, and numbers 9,7,5 and 3 from the happy list), but mostly I love how you can see God's blessings and His grace despite all the crappy stuff. You're a pretty great mix of embracing authenticity and reality while still seeking Hope.

    Here's to a kinder, gentler year..


  2. Amen! Love 7,5, & 4 on the hate list and 10, 7, 5, & 1 on the love list. Good ridden to 2010 I was done with it long before it was done with me. Welcome 2011 and whatever God has in store for us this year He will ALWAYS provide, love and be right there with us as we carry on.

