Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ugly Shoes! and more....

I confess to being a bit of a shoe snob. I am also rather judgey when it comes to fashion and trends. I don't mean to people, it's just a bad (snarky) habit. That being said, I am also definitely NOT Superfashionista myself. Catch me on the weekend sashaying around with my THHS sweatpants with the elastic around the ankles in a double XL. This look is almost definitely accompanied with a bad ponytail. Not a cute, "I'm J-Lo" ponytail, mind you. So since I am both the judge and occasionally the accused, let us review the worst trends ever in my humble opinion, in no particular order...

The Fanny Pack. I know what you're thinking...Dawn, they are so practical! Just for Disneyland or travel? Unequivocally, NO. Not ever. The fact that they are often seen in flourescent technicolor makes them even more offensive.

Scrunchies. While there were certainly many regrettable 80s trends, it seems that this one took the longest to die. Ladies had long hung up their Jellies sandals and stonewashed Chemin de Fers (Google it youngsters), but were still rockin the matchy matchy Scrunchy. I still often see them in bathing suit catalogues. Just say nay nay to the Scrunchy please, even if it matches your Miraclesuit.

Crocs, Toms, Birkenstocks, and Uggs. Not since the 1970s punk rock fashion movement featuring combat boots, has their been a more awful fashion abomination for feet. Cordwainers everywhere are dying on the inside. Please do not give me the whole "comfort" or "humanitarian" quarter.

(Confession: I own Crocs. I garden in them or cook if I am going to be standing a long time, and even then, I am ashamed.)

Blue eye shadow. Erroneous. Blue eye shadow is fab.

Grunge Era. Everything. Especially the Surly Expression, Flannel, and Herion Chic. Way worse than the fashion crimes of the 70s and 80s.

Ed Hardy. Not the worst ever, but Ed Hardy enthusiasts tend to annoy me.

Mini Skirts/Shorts with Wooly Boots or (gasp) Uggs. For some reason, nothing says "Appalachian Hoochie" quicker than this look.

Overalls. If you know me at all, you know my opinion of adults in Overalls. Only permissable for two occupations: Farmer (duh), or Kindergarten Teacher. (I don't know why this look is somehow ok for them, it just is. Must have something to do with the wooden apple earrings and the Puffy-painted Keds.)

Small Dogs as accessories. Unless they are truly loved and pampered pooches, nothing will incur my ire faster than a chihuahua in a Louis Vuitton, on the arm of a smiling heiress.

This is obviously a short list, so feel free to add your faves in the comments section. I would have included Minimally Talented Pop Stars in Dresses Made of Meat just for Mischa, but I would be as wrong as she is. :)

just Dawn

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