Monday, September 20, 2010

We Miss you Too. Really.

Can you tell we're both busy? No new post since Sept. 6th? How very wrong of us. (Visualize me shaking my head, eyes cast down in shame as I write this.)

Between my intensive perusing of those viral e-mails about Wal-Mart patrons from the south, and Dawn's Play-Doh art gallery on her desk, we've been utterly swamped.

So, don't let our lack of writing (due to our hectic and envious social lives) deter you from checking in and reading. Because you never know when some brilliant piece of witty and entertaining writing might show up on our blog. (Actually, let's be honest - more plausible is that it'll be some insignificant post centered around either cynicism, personal opinions regarding Lady Gaga's sanity (or lack of) , or our juvenile and mutual excitment over Mac's new line of eye color cream that come in cute little pots. )

You're giddy with anticipation, aren't you?

Just Michelle (which should be obvious by the "Lady Gaga's legitimately crazy" comment.)

1 comment:

  1. I need to know more about a play-doh art gallery and your opinion on Lady GaGa's meat-dress.

    Ohh, I just gave you two blog topics.
    You're welcome. You now owe me a baker's dozen of doughnuts please.
