Monday, September 6, 2010

Ah...the Past.

I was just thinking about all the ways that life changes the further along in it that you get. For those of you who are young, take notes.

I used to worry about what color bikini would not make me look like Casper the ghost.
Now I spend the greater part of January through March trying to figure out what the hell am I going to wear to the beach that won't frighten kids.

Speaking of the beach, I used to make sure to get a little bit of a tan....tan fat is better than white fat, right? Now I am keeping my eye on a wierd spot on my thigh and cursing the evil sun for every wrinkle on my forehead. (THANKS Mom and Dad, for raising us in the freaking melanoma desert!)

I uesd to worry about how much the Brazillian wax was going to sting.
Now I have more interesting anxiety (though a similar uber-personal relationship) with the mammogram machine.

I used to get 10 Victoria's Secret catalogues a week. Now I get: Support hose! 20% off!! (Please refer to earlier post called I'm Mad at My Mail.) Seriously.

I used to go "Oh, I have fun plans next weekend! I'm going to cut out lunch for a couple of days so I can lose 5 pounds and look cute in my new dress!""
Now: Hire personal trainer for 4 weeks, eat no carbs, fat, anything white, no sugar, and cut my daily calories down to 300. I do cardio, taekwondo, and stretch every day. I ice everything on my whole body, and have even experimented with laxatives. Did I mention I am starving? I gain 2 pounds.
On another note: What's a new dress?

I used to go to concerts. Awesome, screaming, lighter-lighting, heavy metal, testoroned, kick ass, mosh pit, freakin ROCK SHOWS!!!
Now, I have seriously caught myself saying: "What is this awful crap the kids are listening to?"

I used to have disposable (read: accessories and makeup!) income. Now I have a kid in college, an elderly Labrador with medical needs, another one who, combined with the first one eats enough dog food to feed 14 horses. The last time I blew a benjamin or 2 at the Mac store?....can't remember.

I used to be hot.
Now I "look good for my age." Ladies over 40...Is that the worst compliment ever?

I'm from Vegas, Baby!!! Party starts at 1:00am!!! Woooooo!!!..
Now I'm in bed by 10:15. (Ok, really? This one is actually better.)

Ok, Middle-aged pity party over. There are LOTS of reasons it's good to be a grown up. I'm not a bulimic, insecure, drama queen like I was in my 20s. I have an awesome job. I have a couple of friends I have known for 25+ years. I am going to Africa. I have a great relationship with my mom. I even have some pretty good stories. I have no regrets. You don't get all that in your 20s.

I know, 20-somethings, you think I'd trade it all for that smooth skin, firm body, and idealistic free spirit that I used to have. Now that I've thought about it, I don't think so.

Bring on the Botox bitches!
just Dawn


  1. Thanks for the advice... as a 20-something I appreciate the wisdom your age has brought you. hahaha jk. Love you! -Lynnea

  2. Exercise, exercise, just like me. I agree, the more I exercise, I keep GAINING weight. Huh?

  3. I go to the gym regularly and don't lose weight. Somebody said, "You're losing weight." I said, "I haven't lost it. It just moved."

  4. Well said. I find the upside to aging is that I can pretty much do as I want without worrying about who's watching or what someone will think.

    The downside is that when you get to the age that you can do pretty much what you want without worry your just to old to do it!

  5. Tan is the black of nudity; hides things nicely. Oh, and Dawn, you are entirely wrong when you say "I used to be hot. Now I look good for my age." You're hot and really pretty regardless of age. And I'll fight you on this.

    Just Michelle
