Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pundit Puke

I am flabberghasted. (Yes, I do like the word flabberghasted.) Is it because of unrest in Syria? Al Quaeda violence in Afghanistan stemming from American soldiers burning someone's holy books? Rising homelessness? "Christians" *shudder* who picket dead soldier's funerals because they hate gays? Four-plus dollar a gallon gas? Out of reach college tuition? Rogue police officers/federal agents? Ageism, sexism, racism? No! If I am a student of mass media, I am outraged by a bloated, blowhard who presumably hates women, immigrants, and OH YEAH! Liberals (AKA: People who believe something different than him.) Rush, *drumroll* Limbaugh.
Up front: I am not a fan of his hate-filled vitriol. I AM a conservative, evangelical christian, woman. It would seem that Rush and I would routinely find common ground, at least politically. Here's the rub...I don't care a whole huge fig about politics. I care about what God has to say about how I obey laws, and treat my neighbor and steward what He has entrusted to me, etc. (More on that if you like. Anytime.) Rush is not my God. He is not the God of the Conservative movement. He is a white, doughy, past-middle aged, blowhard, male who likes to inflame other white, doughy, past-middle aged, blowhard, males who then congratulate themselves on their intellectual superiority. Their brand of egoism makes me want to puke.

I'm sorry, I know I sound judgey. I don't want to judge you Rush, any more than I want to judge Lindsey for getting her name in the paper by any means accessable. Any more than I want to judge a model for using her body to sell hamburgers. I don't. I know you, and they, have a (unfortunately) lucrative product to sell. Your reprehensable comments about a woman seeking women's health care were embarassing and juvenile. Do you really want to represent your gender as a voyueristic, perverted, ignorant ape? I am offended FOR all of the amazing, conservative men that I know.

Rush, I don't hate you. You probably hate me. I am neither barefoot nor pregnant. I am also NOT looking for free birth control. Believe it or not, I get your issue...as much as you insisted on clouding it in bigotry and douchebaggery. I am an independant thinker and a woman with brains. What happened Rush, did some smokin' hot smart chick dis you? As my son would say, "Oh, FO SHO!!" I have even eschewed any sort of public opinion on your embarassing diatribe, for no other reason than to not lend creedence to the media hype surrounding your ignorance, but I felt as if I'd burst. Plus, none of your closeminded minnions are reading my pathetic, non-famous, blog. Ah...your ratings and millions are safe!

Ah. I feel better. Please pardon my political vomiting. I don't usually go there, and even take pride in my occasional comments on a (UBER Liberal) friend's FB page where I defend conservatism, God, and my lack of political worship, on a regular basis. I will pray for you, and your ilk, Rush. I will pray for Lindsey, and the Testoneronies at Carl's Jr. I will even continue to pay for my own birth control, but you do not represent me. You are mean. Jesus never pressed his own agenda with hate. You are a modern-day Phairisee. Google it Rushbo@EIB. THAT would be some Excellence In Broadcasting! For a change.

just Dawn


  1. I wonder whose liberal Facebook page you refer to ... and I want you to know, I completely respect you and your views. Not just about Rush!

  2. Awesome! I blame Rush for the sad decline of political discourse. I can vaugely remember a time when people who disagreed politically could still be civil and respectful.
