Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cher Said it First

The other day, I (Michelle) was thinking about things I would love to tell my younger self. Not things like, Stop stressing over your math class; one day you'll have a calculator in your phone, or, Here's a tip: body suits worn with vests and palazzo pants are worth regretting.

No, I was thinking more along the lines of, Worthwhile Lessons I've Learned. (Such as, "Redundancy is often just a form of helpful clarification.") So, to quote a legend (or, whatever. People like to call her that. Fine.), "If I could turn back time"....I'd help myself out a bit.
Here's a few ways I'd do that....

1. Speak up. For yourself, and for people who can't do it for themselves. You'll regret it more if you stay quiet just so that everyone will think you're "nice and sweet." And on that note....
2. Not everyone is going to like you; stop trying to make that your life's goal.
3. Try eating things you're afraid of. You might actually like alligator. (Chewy, but delightful.)
4. You don't have to journal every day, but PLEASE, at least jot down a short bullet pointed list of events and experiences you don't want to forget. Believe me: you won't remember 1995's events when it's 2011.
5. Hang around with old people. The non-curmudgeons are precious and have a lot to say. (And even if that "a lot" is just a lot of talk about their trip to Lowes to pick up more perennials and tomato plants, just listen and smile.)
6. Don't just define yourself as a "non-risk taker." If you do, you'll never (wait for it)... take risks. And then you'll end up chastising yourself for missed opportunities. (Which will just make you look crazy - all that talking to yourself.)
7. Look out for yourself. Be "mean" if you have to. Seriously, younger self: don't give up control of your diginity for a dumb reason like not wanting to hurt and/or disappoint someone. Whose head do you have to live in the rest of your life? That's right: yours. (Or, mine. Yours then, mine now. It gets confusing. Stay with me, younger me.)
8. Don't miss a chance to affirm someone.
9. If people claim that you "have to" read the Harry Potter books or the Twilight series, and you already have too many books on your list that you actually want to read, stick to your guns. (Because, really: it's vampires and non-vampires. And unrequited love. With teen angst. Boom. Synopsis done.)
10. Send occasional notes, e-mails, texts, calls to your family and people you love and appreciate. It's morbid, but if you have something you want someone to know, do it while it's on your mind because - you know - death and all that.
11. Let people verbally slap the "crazy" out of you sometimes.
12. Don't take age into consideration: if you want to take up tap dancing or piano lessons or go to circus school, and you're 47, just go for it. (Tap shoes look cute at any age.)
13. Good story or not, some dates really are pointless.
14. Yes - buy that one amazing, stunning, sparkly, out of control piece of clothing.

15. Also, ask yourself this (frequently, if you have to): "Do you ever just let God love you?" And then do just that. Let Him do His grace thing for you. (It's okay, younger me - you and I will always be working on this. He gets it.)

And if I really could turn back time, I'd also tell myself, "Don't go with the permed bangs. Bad idea."

Just Michelle


  1. Wow. Did you really write this? I'm very proud of you. (single tear..). Listen up younger Michelle....2011 Michelle knows what's up! (with the exception of the body suit and palazzo pants....she could still rock that look with the correct accessories!)
    just Dawn

  2. Aw, thanks, Dawn. I learned most of this from you. (Minus the permed bangs mistake.) In fact, number 11 was especially for you. Oh, and by the way, the palazzo pants debacle was NOT 2011 Michelle. That was more like 11 year old Michelle. And that clarification was definitely necessary.
    Just Michelle
