Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why I'm Not Sending Christmas Cards This Year

1. It's an expense that, let's face it, ends up in the trash. (With the exception of a few clever scrapbooky types.)

2. I have been an Albertsons Regional Manager for 6 weeks. (cutting into my "free time" outside my 40 hours a week regular job.)

3. Mischa's not, and this frees me from obligatory guilt. (LOVE her!)

4. Much to my chagrin, I'm not feeling super "Christmassey". Not your fault, Dear Potential Card Recipients, I'm just not.

5. I wanted to make cards. Couldn't find any I liked. (*excuse*)

6. Recently spent $100 on postage for Mission Trip letter. (thank you!)

7. Did NOT get awesome labrador photo for card this year.

8. Do not have an amazing "Family Newsletter" to send out. If you feel cheated, here it is:

Dear Friends,
My kid is NOT at Stanford or working with the Peace Corps. Rick and I are well and blessed. My dogs will NOT be at Westminster this year (or ever) but they are not very gassy right now. I recently sold 3 ugly bracelets to pay for wisdom teeth and community college, and feel it was totally worth it. There's a lot to be said for loving your job and your friends. I do, and I do. Not bad. Suck it overachievers.

Merry Christmas!

9. It's not you, it's me.

10. I hereby vow to make awesome, personal cards next year. I love you all.

just Dawn (with validation from Mischa.)


  1. Much validation. MUCH validation.

    My favorite was probably "It's not you, it's me."

    Just Mischa

  2. I just read this again, and I still love it.

    Mischa (again)
