Friday, October 29, 2010

Some People are Pretty Clever. (And it's not us this time.)

The other day, Dawn said she saw a t-shirt that said, "No one reads your blog." I thought this was impressively funny and clever. And so, in the spirit of irony, I thought we blog owners should write a post for our blog about a shirt broadcasting the fact that most likely, no one is reading our blog.

We like clever stuff, so if anyone has another example like the t-shirt example, feel free to post a comment. It'll be fun because it will point out the ironic fact that, yes, someone is indeed reading our blog.

And then we'll all laugh, and laugh some more.

Just Michelle


  1. I'd comment, but I didn't read this.....

  2. That post reminds me of one of my favorite bumper stickers- it had Snoopy doom his famous dance- and it said "Don't Be A Bumper Sticker". Deep.
